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From the Very Beginning...

The foundational laws that dictate the rein of Thermodynamics
First Law
Sadi Carnot


  • Experiments with batteries, electromagnets

  • Heat and Work can be converted into each other with electricity as intermediate

  • Suspicious of the Caloric Theory

  • Paper was rejected

Motivation: beer

Question: Is there another source of motive power than heat?



Motivation: Catch up with Britain's Industrial Revolution

Question: What would be the greatest amount of power one could produce from a given amount of heat?

  • Imagined an ideal Engine

  • Defined Motive Power: useful work that can be obtained from heat

  • Dependent on concepts of Caloric Theory: tiny substances released during combustion

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Conclusion: Must have hot and cold to produce work

  • New experiments with beer fermentation vessels

  • Heat and work can be converted into each other with electricity as an intermediate

  • Presented to a small audience of physicists at the British Association for the Advancement of Science since the chemists were too busy for his lecture

  • William Thomson was in the audience

Published Reflections on The Motive Power of Fire paper at his own expense

Joule Thomson

Hermann Helmholtz


Motivation: disproof that animals could create some heat without consuming any food or fuel

Published the book Conservation of Kraft (aka energy)

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William Thomson

Motivation: Carnot and Joule's ideas


Absolute Temperature Scale

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Published An Account of Carnot's Theory of the Motive Power of Heat paper

Introduced the idea of potential energy

Conclusion: Can't solve the conflict between Carnot and Joule's ideas

Conclusion: All forms of energy can be turned into each other

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Second Law

Rudolf Clausius

Motivation: asked to scrutinize Helmholtz book in a seminar taken as undergraduate student 

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Identified internal energy

Defined the concept of entropy

Statements updated

  1. The energy of the universe is constant

  2. The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum

Official Birth of a new field of science:

  1. Though heat and work can be converted into each other at the fixed "exchange" rate that Joule had discovered, the total amount of heat plus work remains the same.

  2. Heat never spontaneously flow from cold to hot.

  • Published the paper on the Moving Force of Heat  reconciling the ideas of Joule and Carnot

  • Proved that ideal engines depend only on the T of the sink and the furnace


Motivation: Measure Blood Pressure

  • Kinetic theory of gases 

  • (The Nature of the Motion we call Heat)

  • Published Hydrodynamica book

The Two Principles that Ruled Us all

Behavior of living cells

Why we must eat and breathe

Preservation of Vaccines

Electricity Reliability

Extending/ Preservation of Organs for Organ Transplants

Behavior of black holes

Energy efficiency of Jet Engines

Limits of Computation

Cost efficacy of energy and fuel

Food preservatives


Why is this important?

Question: Why do some gases do not liquefy at high pressures?


Experiments with CO2  identified the critical point

James Clerk Maxwell


Motivation: Inspired by Clausius' paper

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  • Applied the principle of bell curve to Clausius' ideas

  • Defined T in microscopic scale

  • Published Illustrations of the Dynamic Theory of Gases

  • Organized seminal mathematical analysis of electromagnetism

  • Invention of radio

  • Reveal the true nature of light

  • Inspired Einstein's work on relativity

Johannes Diderik Van Der Waals


Motivation: determine the molecular pressure in Laplace's theory of capillarity

Van Der Waals EOS
  • Principle of corresponding states

  • Corroborated the existence of the critical point

Ludwig Boltzmann


Question:" Why does the entropy of the universe always increase

Motivation: teaching in Austria with no heating

  • Used Statistics to explain the second law of Thermodynamics

  • S=klnw

  • Published Further Studies in the Thermal Equilibrium of Gas Molecules

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Carl Linde


Motivation: Beer

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Asked by Guinness to supply liquid CO2 to improve their beer's foam head

Inspired Linde to study liquefaction in large scale

  • Used charts to improve the efficiency of refrigerators

  • Created more efficient ice machines to sell to breweries

Josiah Willard Gibbs


Question: What are the consequences of thermodynamics law?

Motivation 1: Civil War (North's victory due to superior steam technologies

Motivation 2: Help beginners to understand entropy

Showed that thermodynamics laws drive all chemical reactions

Gibb's free energy

  • Used by engineers who design power stations

  • Allow engineers to maximize power from heat while keeping it safe

  • Design and improved the efficiency of refrigerators

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Liquefaction and Gibbs

Enabled industrial production of oxygen and nitrogen gas

Albert Einstein


"It is the only physical theory of universal content concerning which I am convinced... it will never be overthrown"

Used Boltzmann's definition of entropy to explain the behavior of light

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Emmy Noether


Motivation: asked to analyze Einstein's work

Mathematically defined why the first law of thermodynamics is true through definition of symmetry

Leo Szilard

Motivation: Einstein read a newspaper account of one Berlin family who died from the fumes emanating from their malfunctioning refrigerator


Einstein's former student

Designed, patented, and marketed a refrigerator

  • Linked information, energy, and entropy

  • To process bit ( information),  the system must dissipate heat

Claude Shannon


Question 1: what is a message?

Question 2: how long or short it needs to be to communicate an idea?

Question 3: is there a mathematical way to measure the size of a piece of information?

Used by information companies (e.g. Netflix and YouTube) to hold and distribute huge files of video information

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Size of a piece of information:

Entropy of any given system:

Landauer and Bennet

1927-1999   1943-present

Motivation: find general laws that govern all information processing

  • Deduced thermodynamic value of a 'bit'

  • Landauer Limit: erasing a "bit" will require an equal amount of heat dissipation

Extended the first law

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